Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Lord is MY Shepherd Psalms 23

Time after time when I've passed you by.
Traveling down my own road,
Not taking heed to your direction;
Just being my own guide.

I've traveled many destination;
Forgetting that my true destination,
Was to head home to you.

Many times, I had to stop and change the tires,
so that I could quick be on my way.
Once I got to where I thought I was going,
I asked myself, was I really there?

All the while, you called me to you.
Believing in my own strength,
I ran from you.

I wanted to run away from it all,
And give up all hope in you.
Trying to please others,
And at the same time, wanting nothing to do with anyone.

Try and try as I may,
Only because of your unfailing and undying love.
I knew I needed to turn around.

I'd look in the mirror,
BUt was I really there.
I think I went on lockdown,
Lost in my own free space.
Have I found what I was looking for?
No not really,
I still haven't found me.

Someone else has,
And He has all the answers that I need to do.
I was so foolish and so blind,
Not putting my trust in Him and Him alone.

Putting our faith and trust in humanity;
In the end it all will vanish away.
Then I wonder when it all comes to an end,
I wish I'd known.

The joy that I seek in my life,
I can't supply it for myself,
only He can.

I've acknowledge His presence,
But I haven't given Him his praise.
I'm just the wandering sheep.
Slowly baited, desparately trying not to wave off course.

I've seen places and many faces that deny the LORD.
At this point, I feel blessed knowing what I know.
I'm thankful that I was blessed with the heart that accepted Christ.

I"m no perfect human being and I've got a ton of work to do,
To be where God wants me to be.
The great thing is knowing that I can put my faith and trust,
In HIm because He already has it all laid out for me.

The conception of my birth, was the greatest blessing of my being.
Getting caught up in the frailties of the world,
Only leads one to despair.

People are who they really are.
I fear no one, don't wish anything on anyone.
Whatever you do, you deal with GOD.

I gave up all the things that I thought would make me happy.
I can't please another soul,
Especially if I can only temporarily please myself without wanting more.
As human beings we always want more
But only our hope lies in Jesus,
Nothing can quench the desires of who we are.

I'm just a sheep, we all are sheep.
Everything in this life will past away.
Those who put their faith in material things,
Those who put their faith in religion,
But still have no clue who God really is.

God is a very forgiving God.
I can't understand half the time,
A God so mighty and powerful,
Loves so dearly and tenderly at the same time.

When I turn my mind off and tune the world out,
Be still and realize that He's with me,
Nothing or no man can break that bond.

I"ve traveled down many roads,
Busted cars, busted engines,
Busted tires, sometimes walking with my own two feet.

Some places I should've ran away from and never went there.
Soem places, I needed to be there.
At the end when it comes down to it.
God said Love Him first, Love others second.

May His Love, Peace, Spirit, and Truth rest deep in your heart.
If you've forgotten who He is,
He's not hard to find,
He's standing right with you.

My life is not mine,
I was bought with a price.
Blood was shed for my soul.
Our God is an awesome God who reigns in Heaven and Earth.

I am not ashamed,
Nor should any of His children be.
Man accepts no excuses.
God forgives and only He alone heals.

Love the LORD always,
His burden is light.
And all I have to say is that,
I'm not spending my eternity in Hell.

I'm waiting for that Homecoming Day,
When Jesus comes back and takes His children home.

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