Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Race Card 2


I don't know how many of you read this article: Poll: Racial views steer some white Dems away from Obama You can find the article on Yahoo. I freaking swear it's so freaking hard to be a black person in this country and not have some white person looking down at us like we're nothing. Hell we'd try freaking harder if yawl would stop cutting programs, you know what, screw the programs. This whole BS about us being on welfare, being complaining, and lazy, yawl wouldn't have this country if it weren't for black people and yawl wanna call us lazy. Stripping us from our home lands, tearing up our communities for centuries and you wanna tell us to try harder, to stop complaining. Why don't you give us our family back.

HOw the hell can you live with yourselves for lynching our people for the fact that we have colored skinned. You brought your diseases to Africa to wipe us out. Africa is starving because of you people. Freaking Arnold the Terminator, yawl voted him into office and this dude had no political skills. Yawl voted Jessie Ventura for governor in Montana and the dude was a pro wrestler. Obama spent his whole life in politics because he wanted to make change. His wife graduated from Harvard, half of us don't even have the IQ to get accepted into Harvard, but no because yawl ignorant asses, because he's black, he's not good. Get your freaking head out of your ass and wake up. Aint nobody on this damn continent own the right to this land. Yawl descendants from Irish and Scottish background, they had to fight for their independence too from Britain. Yawl went through that same mess. Yawl coming over here, killing off the Indians for your greedy selves. That's why this economy is failing. And yawl say black people need to try harder, stop being all about me, myself and I, there's no damn community in this country, why do you think obesity is such a problem, Americans aren't happy, because yawl are greedy and competing with each other. You wanna say we need to try harder.

This country would be nothing without us, you get your entertainment from us. Yawl can't do half the stuff that we do, we're amazing athletes, we're amazing cooks, we're amazing musicians and we sure as hell can dance better than yawl. Ignorant, letting the media rule your decisions because you can't get your sorry asses off your coaches and go be a good neighbor but because I"m black, I have to sit around and let you disgrace me. I don't know who the hell you think you are but you don't own this country. All you KKK's, yawl wanna hate on blacks but you can't destroy our spirits. You can try to bring us down as much as you want because you're close minded. You don't have our spirits, you've never had to fight for anything, you don't know the meaning of what it's like to have something, just because you're white, it's expected to be handed down to you. Ooh yawl make me ashamed to be an American. This melting pot of a great nation, ooh yawl some ignorant. Yawl need to look in the mirror and check yourselves and go take a damn vacation to somewhere else in the world. Why don't you go to Sudan, Darfur, Chehnya, did you guys forget the crisis in Kosovo, did you forget the Serbian massacre of the Arabs in 1995. You people that harbor this attitude made me sick. Yawl need to get your hearts right and your head too.

My freaking WOW, the first time a black man is going to run for Presidency, you'd think a whole nation would be proud and stand up for one of its own. to show to the world that this is what we've been able to achieve in the 40 years that Civil Rights where granted to all people of other origins. Don't forget this too all you Asian People, Latino's, and those of you not White. It was a little over 40 years that we got freedoms in this country, 40 years ago. So yawl running to back McCain because he's a Republican, maybe yawl need to check the color of your skin too. Apparantly Asians forgot what injustices they had to deal with on the West Coast. Remember WWII, the Japanese Internment camps. Did you guys forget that HItler got his idea of the concentration camps from us. White people aint got a damn thing to be proud of your history, you SHOULD be ashamed of yourselves. And you tolerate the ideology of superiority. Aint no man, thing or being in this Universe greater than the Almighty God. You know who you are and don't think the good LORD doesn't know what's in your hearts. Black people know how to survive.

Damn, yawl get mad at the music that's degrading women, BAN the thing, stop talking about it to your friends, ban the Rolling Stones too while you're at it. Oh and PLLLLLEEEEAAASSSE stop copying us and paroding us in your movies, copying our slang, trying to be cool, taking our moves. It's not cute and you're not cool, you embarrass me and you insult me. Some of you black people share this same ideology, what the hell are you smoking or even thinking. I'm sorry I don't agree with half the crap my people do but damn I still love my people. Stop sitting there and dogging us and stop being about yourselves. Oh let's see, hmm when we do start doing better, what you're going to jump on our bandwagon and be like ooh oohh I was there to support this. I am so sick to be an American right now, my family busted our asses to get our citizenship and this is the reward that we get.

Maybe we need to read Abraham Lincoln "Gettysburg Address." I swear I don't know why i like white guys sometimes, I really don't know and this crap only makes me that much angry but I"m going to voice my opinion and let it be known that yawl aint right for this at all. And all of you from other countries, your poor countries too with no running or clean drinking water, don't get me started on you. Everybody that's in this country came here wants a better future, a better life than the one that they had before. You ask any foreigner that and you wanna judge me because I have black skin. I love my black skin, I love the fact that I can stay out in the sun, hell no I"m doing it but I'm just saying I can and I don't really have to tan. I love my blackness, black is beauty, black is sexy, we are courageous, we are fighters, we are resilient. Yawl hate if you want, we aint going nowhere, we'll be right behind you and you sure as hell don't want to piss us off. As Madea would say, don't make a black woman take off her earrings, I took mine off when I wrote this. I'm this angry, I'm surprised I didn't start typing the Jamaican language. America aint nothing without us, keep on hating, keep supplying your drugs that you try to destroy our communities, we'll bounce back. We've been doing it for centuries, yawl aint nothing without us, so keep hating. I'm going to bed, yawl don't make me wanna punch a hole in the wall. Yawl wrong for this!!!

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